2 de jul. de 2013

Para proteger minha cabeça

Já faz um tempo que li isso...foi no Tumblr!
Sim eu tenho um Tumblr!!

Voltando, eu estava no Tumblr, quando vi umas pessoas (mulheres ou meninas) começarem a postar informações sobre o capacete de Kimi Raikkonen...se o fato é verdadeiro ou um delírio de fãs, eu não sei dizer, mas que eu achei interessante eu achei!

O lance era o seguinte...Raikkonen nunca foi de falar sobre seu capacete, uma vez quando perguntado, ele disse que sua função era: "Ele protege minha cabeça"...simples, curto e direto...de fato é isso que o capacete faz! Mas tenho que lembrar que a pergunta era visando o fato estético da coisa. 

Ai que começou a história toda que eu li...Raikkonen é um daqueles pilotos que mesmo que o capacete sofra umas mudanças de temporada para temporada, ele se mantém o mesmo em determinados pontos, um desses pontos é uma marca...Eu particularmente nunca prestei a atenção...e não sei dizer se essa marca sempre esteve lá...mas o fato é que é em cima dela que surgiu as informações.     

A primeira que vi era que essa marca é uma runa, que significa proteção, na verdade seria tipo uma adaptação de uma runa, ou coisa assim. A runa representaria algo como proteção, um escudo, para proteger a si ou outros...Essa runa seria uma tal de Algiz. (Olhando parece uma pisada de passarinho! Mas quem sou pra dizer!)

Em fim, vi fotos, discussões...a galera se empolga...chega a ser até divertido ver os tapas virtuais...Mas o fato é que isso me chamou atenção, se verdadeiro ou não, isso só o piloto sabe, mas eu deixei os textos mais interessantes que vi sobre o assunto...Em termo de automobilismo, não tem o menor porque de estarem aqui...o capacete além de proteger serve como uma forma de identificar o piloto e só!

Mas se você curte história, mitologia, e essas coisas...os textos baixo podem ser legais...
Eles estão em inglês pois estou sem saco de traduzir, fica ai um pouco de runas e deuses nórdicos!

Ah...e como tudo nessa vida, se você realmente se interessa pelo assunto, ou entende do assunto, entenda que aqui é um blog e eu posto de tudo, estando certo ou errado...




Algiz is one of the most important runes.

Viewing of the shields in the four directions - North, East, South, West - Rune "colored" by red energy, above and below your body, you will get protection from possible "dangers" physical energy or for 24 hours. Remember to always give a beginning and an end to the action energy that could rivolgervisi apply for or against becoming a vampire energy, especially if you did things with great conviction and concentration.

Another way of invoking the name of Odin in trouble, asking for his help, not a passive level as has been used in Catholicism, but rather an active, or by requesting the courage of the warrior to fight their battles without fear nothing. 

Name: Elhaz or Algiz, Algis, EOLH, Iwhar
Sound: z final grammar becomes an "r" in the final Old Norse
Symbolic Meaning: Strength protectress, woman Swan (Valkyrie), open hand.

But sticking to its classical form, and its variants, is a rune Algiz with many senses, a rune of protection, "positive", even that which is above all a positive sense, given the rune of life, his shape evokes the open hand protection. In recent Futhark rune Algiz symbolize the man, which ultimately is just an extension of its meaning of "life" is linked elk, deer, an animal very important for the people of Northern Ireland and the Celtic tradition , represents the God Cernunnos, god of fertility and abundance. The antlers represent the cyclical rebirth, there was also a magical process to become a deer to escape from enemies, a tactic likely to blend into a group of animals to escape, is an archaic symbol attached to the top of the world, covering a Sometimes a role of psychopomp.

It is celebrated during the deer ceremonies Beltan, a time when they visit the living to the dead and not the reverse as in the case of Sanhain. Elhaz is also linked to the swan, which has a particularly rich symbolism, surely representing purity, heavenly force as partner of Apollo, singing, poetry (do not forget that the swan dies singing), still symbolizes the soul in transformation to be higher in northern states are the Valkyries to take the shape of swans, choose the dead who fell in battle to lead them in Walhalla, the abode of Odin nell'Asgard (sort of paradise) are still two swans in the company of two doves pulling Freja's chariot. 

The Rune Elhaz is tied to a whole symbolism in particular that of bright point between consciousness and the divine realm of men, but, unlike Eihwaz, it is a tortuous path. And 'the rune that allows you to reinforce hamingja, magic power, magical protection, resisting the hostile forces, where a ritual is the display of shields around him even above and below, written in bright red, if you must deal with hostile people or situations.

With Algiz we are required to relate in new ways with the dimension of the sacred, to stretch our minds, and our whole body up and receive the knowledge from the original source of all knowledge.

The Algiz rune is the natural evolution of Ansuz rune, the rune of Odin who appears in the form of signals and messages with Ansuz receive warnings and advice, offer prayers and sacrifices, and to him we receive from Odin in a holy and virtuous cycle.

We do not need any means to celebrate our union with God we are free to ask and offer, to thank and honor, we do not need to confess our sins, as we do not need absolution, we are the priests of our lives and Our truth is our sacrifice offered on the altar of Our Lives: Algiz is the sign of the priest who offers sacred things, that sanctifies their lives through self-sacrifice.

The blot is a term related to English bless, bless, and derives from the word blood, blood, an important component of rituals: the term Blota means strengthening the intention is precisely to bring more power to the gods through ritual, what that is experienced today in shamanic religions of character, even if the practitioners of New Age does not want to hear it.

The most powerful symbol of the sacrifice of living beings or objects, usually animals, particularly pigs and horses (for the Celtic tradition), of which the meat is boiled in a large pot with heated stones placed inside or outside.

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